lua-md5 revision bump

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sun Mar 11 13:21:08 PDT 2012

On Feb 13, 2012, at 11:45, Andrea D'Amore wrote:

> Installed files didn't change in r89870, why did you bump revision?

There were two reasons.

First, the port was not using the correct architectures. That's one of the things I fixed in r89870. Prior to that, the port had a universal variant, but installing it would not have resulted in universal software. Increasing the revision means anyone who installed the port with the universal variant before (and didn't actually get universal software as a result) will now rebuild and actually get the universal software they wanted. So for users using the universal variant, my change does result in the installed files changing (their architecture will change), which is the primary reason I increased the revision.

Second, you added a dependency on lua in r89867 but did not increase the revision. That means anyone who installed the port before then would not have had lua recorded as a dependency of lua-md5 in their registry. They might later uninstall lua, and because the registry doesn't tell it any reason to prevent it, MacPorts would not have prevented it, which would result in lua-md5 breaking. Increasing the revision forces the dependency to get recorded in the installed port's registry so that if a user tries to later uninstall lua they're told that they can't because it's needed by lua-md5, which is what we want.

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