[91153] trunk/dports/sysutils/yum
Anders F Björklund
afb at macports.org
Sat Mar 24 07:41:14 PDT 2012
Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> master_sites ${homepage}download/3.2/
> You should use ${branch} here; see:
> https://trac.macports.org/wiki/PortfileRecipes#branch
Added, r91162.
>> depends_lib lib:librpm:rpm port:python24 port:py-celementtree port:py-urlgrabber port:py-libxml2 port:py-yum-metadata-parser port:py-iniparse port:py-pygpgme
>> -depends_build port:intltool port:py24-nose
>> +depends_build port:intltool port:py-nose
> This change should not have been made. py-nose is a stub port; no port should depend on a stub port. Since the unification of nose, py24-nose is the python 2.4 nose port.
Guess it wasn't, when I originally wrote the Portfile update.
> If you're going to offer python variants (which is a good thing to offer), you should offer variants for each option, not just for each non-default option. This would rather simplify things as you wouldn't have to keep repeating python 2.4 bits all over.
> Finally, python 2.4 is going away, very soon. The default should be the python27 variant these days, if that's possible for this software.
It's possible, as long as you use an rpm version that supports it.
The Python version is by no means the biggest problem with Yum,
but glad to hear that you have a default version of python now...
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