[92670] trunk/dports/aqua/FScript/Portfile

Christoph Iserlohn ciserlohn at macports.org
Fri May 4 12:34:32 PDT 2012

Am 04.05.12 21:17, schrieb Jeremy Lavergne:
>> Are you sure that the lion buildbot has the 10.6 SDK available? The buildbot error message: 
>> "error: There is no SDK with the name or path '/Volumes/work/macports/var/macports/build/_Volumes_work_mports_dports_aqua_FScript/FScript/work/FScript-2.1/macosx10.6"
>> indicates that xcodebuild interprets 'SDKROOT=macosx10.6' as a path which means that xcodebuild does not know about the 10.6 SDK. This would also
>> explain why setting the 'macosx_deployment_target' to 10.6 has no effect on the lion buildbot (as opposed to my local machine).
>> Coud anyone with access to the lion buildbot verify that the 10.6 SDK is available ($ xcodebuild -showsdks)?
> My 10.7 box has these SDKS (from /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/):
> MacOSX10.6.sdk/ MacOSX10.7.sdk/ 
> Xcode 4.3.2
> Build version 4E2002
I meant whether the 10.6 SDK is available on the lion buildbot,
especially does the xcodebuild command knows about it (what is the
output of: xcodebuild -showsdks)?

Kind Regards,

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