Using python before it is selected?

Craig Treleaven ctreleaven at
Fri May 18 18:44:59 PDT 2012


So the port I'm working on uses Python and requires a bunch of 
modules as dependencies.  That's working OK but then my port's 
configure _uses_ python to test if the dependencies are installed. 
If this is the first time installing python on a machine, no version 
of python is 'selected'.  aka ...

>AT-MBP12:mp WCT$ port select --list python
>Available versions for python:
>	none (active)
>	python25-apple
>	python26
>	python26-apple
>	python27-apple

It would seem to me that MacPorts ought to 'select' the first version 
of python when it is installed, no?  In my port, is there a way to 
test for 'none' and then set the one I want?   I wouldn't change the 
version out from under the user if they've actually selected one.


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