How to make sure that a port doesn't get automatically upgraded/cleared during "sudo port upgrade outdated" and "sudo port uninstall inactive"

Rainer Müller raimue at
Mon Nov 19 05:41:38 PST 2012

On 2012-11-18 12:22, MK-MacPorts at wrote:
> Now, in case one of my "debuggable ports" gets updated I'd like to make sure that
>  1) the port would be re-build with the needed "-k" option

There is no way at the moment to add this option to specific ports only.

The only way I could think of would be to execute the upgrade in
multiple non-recursive steps. This might require manual sorting into a
topological order first in some rare cases; however, this approach is
probably good enough for your purpose:

 sudo port -k -n upgrade foo bar baz
 sudo port upgrade outdated

>  2) the inactive port should not get cleared or uninstalled (in case I want to rewind the current updates)

You could exclude the ports in question from the inactive set:

  sudo port uninstall inactive and not \( foo bar baz \)

Note there is also a pending base enhancement from Sean Farley [1] for a
+debug variant which would preserve the object files for debugging
purposes. Your use case would be satisified with such a variant since
variants are preserved across upgrades.



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