Downloading KDE sources always AWFULLY SLOW

MK-MacPorts at MK-MacPorts at
Tue Oct 30 13:28:37 PDT 2012

On Oct 30, 2012, at 9:24 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> If it's not fast, just for you, then you could edit _resources/port1.0/fetch/mirror_sites.tcl and remove that URL from the kde group. If you're fetching your ports tree using rsync, then that change will be wiped out next time you sync; if you use Subversion to fetch your ports tree, then the change will persist indefinitely.
I am using rsync.

> If it's not fast, for all users, then we could commit that change. But perhaps first someone should talk to the maintainers of the server to figure out why and if it can be fixed.
Yes, I wonder whether other users are also affected…

> Yes, that would be another option, if it's slow just for Marko. An entry could be added to /etc/hosts for example to point the server at a black hole.
I'll test that next time i have to download from that server. :-)

Thanks for these hints!!!

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