perl5 portgroup

Bradley Giesbrecht pixilla at
Tue Sep 4 18:05:55 PDT 2012

This perl5 portgroup proc does not handle this version correctly:

# convert a floating point version to an dotted-integer one
proc perl5_convert_version {vers} {
    set index [string first . $vers]
    set other_dot [string first . [string range $vers [expr $index + 1] end]]
    if {$index == -1 || $other_dot != -1} {
        return $vers
    set ret [string range $vers 0 [expr $index - 1]]
    incr index
    set fractional [string range $vers $index end]
    set index 0
    while {$index < [string length $fractional] || $index < 6} {
        set sub [string range $fractional $index [expr $index + 2]]
        if {[string length $sub] < 3} {
            append sub [string repeat "0" [expr 3 - [string length $sub]]]
        append ret ".[scan $sub %u]"
        incr index 3
    return $ret
set perl5.moduleversion 1.03ii
puts [perl5_convert_version ${perl5.moduleversion}]

Manually setting the version after "perl5.setup" fixes the problem.

I was wondering if there is any code in base or another portgroup that might handle this better.

Would simply shifting a run of alpha characters off the right at the beginning and adding them back the result at the end work?

Bradley Giesbrecht (pixilla)

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