Trac username and password for logging in to buildbot?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sun Apr 21 16:19:37 PDT 2013

On Apr 21, 2013, at 17:32, Leo Singer wrote:

> May I use my Trac/svn username and password to log in to the buildbot? I was hoping to check the 'Grid Display' but got a 403 error.

No, Trac usernames do not work on the buildbot; you need a separate login, which committers may request by emailing the Mac OS Forge administrator.

> Also, is there a list somewhere of for which licenses we build binaries?

It's not a list; it's a check of whether the combination of the licenses of the port and all its dependencies are compatible. You can use the port_binary_distributable.tcl script (in base/portmgr/jobs) to determine if any particular port is distributable, and if not, why not.

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