error on build through MacPorts but not on manual build (pkg-config problem?)

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Wed Aug 14 16:58:49 PDT 2013

In your Portfile you wrote:

> #                   poppler with qt4 variant is needed
> depends_lib-append  port:poppler \

MacPorts doesn't have built-in support for requiring variants of dependencies. All that the above will do is:

a) add a dependency on poppler
b) check whether the file /opt/local/lib/ exists; if it does not, add a dependency on poppler

Depending on a variant of a port is not recommended, but if it cannot be avoided, then you should use the require_active_variants procedure from the active_variants 1.1 portgroup to do so:

At the top of the Portfile, after the PortSystem line:

PortGroup active_variants 1.1

In the dependencies section:

depends_lib-append port:poppler

require_active_variants poppler qt4

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