Is it worth persevering with Macports_Framework?

Guido Soranzio guido.soranzio at
Sun Feb 10 03:36:44 PST 2013

On 10/02/2013, Ian Wadham wrote:

> Maybe there is scope for a simpler interface to Macports, such as
> running scripts and intercepting the output, but I have not looked at
> that.

You can have a look at the sources of Guigna I published on GitHub:

It is at a very early stage of development and it is rather naive:
on the contrary of you, I am no so proficient in multithreading
programming but I think that a "screen scraping" approach is not
that evil.

In my humble opinion, a really useful GUI for MacPorts should address
not only the final users but also the developers and the budding new
committers. It should go far beyond wrapping the basic commands and
instead be capable of launching its own automating scripts,
detecting other package managers and solving the conflicts,
aggregating the latest commits from the Web and comparing
the different versions available from different sources,
connecting to experimental repositories from third parties.


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