Where to include port version in 'port pkg' output?

Blair Zajac blair at orcaware.com
Wed Jan 2 14:23:22 PST 2013

On my testing on 10.7, the package that is generated from 'port pkg' doesn't 
contain any version info, so it looks like Mac OS X treats it as a 1.0 package.

Given I don't know anything about Mac OS X packaging and need this for an 
internal project, where is the appropriate place to put a version number?

Here's the contents of Distribution:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<installer-gui-script minSpecVersion="1">
     <options customize="never"/>
     <allowed-os-versions><os-version min="10.7"/></allowed-os-versions>
     <background file="background.tiff" mime-type="image/tiff" 
alignment="bottomleft" scaling="none"/>
     <welcome mime-type="text/html" file="Welcome.html"/>
         <line choice="default">
             <line choice="org.macports.py27-nose"/>
     <choice id="default"/>
     <choice id="org.macports.py27-nose" visible="false">
         <pkg-ref id="org.macports.py27-nose"/>
     <pkg-ref id="org.macports.py27-nose">py27-nose-1.2.1-component.pkg</pkg-ref>

Here is PackageInfo:

<pkg-info install-location="/" relocatable="false" auth="root">

And the commands that are run:

DEBUG: Running command line: PMResourceLocale=English 
/Applications/PackageMaker.app/Contents/MacOS/PackageMaker --root 
--target 10.5 --domain system --id org.macports.py27-nose --no-relocate

DEBUG: Running command line: /usr/bin/productbuild --resources 
--identifier org.macports.py27-nose --distribution 


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