Unified Python portgroup

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Thu Jan 10 10:21:56 PST 2013

On Jan 10, 2013, at 08:25, Jeremy Lavergne wrote:

>> That is actually not a bug! You're trying to install it directly from the directory, which is equivalent to running `port -d install py-pdfrw`. Now, since you didn't provide a py24-* subport, the behaviour defined in the python portgroup for running install without specifying a version (as opposed to specifying it, like `port install py26-pdfrw`) is to specify a dependency on the 27 version of the port (py27-pdfrw).
>> Since you run it from the directory I think you either don't have another port index or it is not updated, so MacPorts doesn't know where to find py27-pdfrw! 
> You need:
> sudo port -d install subport=py27-pdfrw

Yes—provided you've already added the line "python.versions 27" (and possibly any other python versions you want to support, e.g. "python.versions 25 26 27").

There are other nuances of unified ports. The best documentation is to read existing ports using the portgroup—there are tons of them.

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