[101504] trunk/base/src/port1.0/portextract.tcl

Jeremy Lavergne jeremy at lavergne.gotdns.org
Mon Jan 14 06:29:05 PST 2013

> So .Trashes cannot be seen.

Do you mean this simply as an example where something cannot be seen? .Trashes is d-wx-wx-wt in another DMG I opened up just now: still not readable, but that's the case for everyone this time.

I want to consider a distfile with inaccessible files to be inherently broken. If we can change permissions we're fine, otherwise we rely on the distfile to be correct.

> One solution I thought of was to just not copy anything beginning with a period. In other words, "cp * ${worksrcpath}". ("*" expansion does not include items starting with ".")
> A more elaborate and more correct solution would be to actually look at the permissions of each item and just not copy those we're not allowed to, but doing that in a single-line command execution, such as is required by the extract system, was daunting.

As for copying from the image you can list all files (filter out what you don't want or generate what you do want), then convert line breaks to spaces to send to a single command:
find . | ... | tr '\n' ' '

Another option would be rsync.

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