Octave portgroup

Andrea D'Amore and.damore at macports.org
Fri Jan 18 14:19:45 PST 2013

in r101770 I've moved a bit of logic into octave-1.0 portgroup in
order to install packages using octave's builtin package manager.

I've watched at a couple other software managers (FreeBSD, Arch) and
followed their path.

The package that is going to be installed isn't built using autotools,
octave 'pkg build' command builds it from the tarball itself, so I
overrode extract phase to just create $worksrcpath and let octave put
the newly built package there.
Then this package is moved into destroot in $prefix/share/octave and
finally it's made available to octave in post-activate using 'pkg
install', here I'm creating a $prefix/share/octave/packages/ subdir
and $prefix/lib/octave/packages for libraries and arch-independent
part of the packages, maybe these two could be installed by main
octave/octave-devel port rather than be created per each package.

I've bumped a few packages I was using in r101771 to check that this
works, this works very well, I could install and uninstall
octave-forge packages and the command    octave --eval 'pkg list'
as regular user reflected the correct state.

I don't specificalle like the idea of
software-manager-in-software-manager but the first package I needed,
octave-control, doesn't sport anymore an useful Makefile, this way
makes it very straightforward to port all octave-forge packages.

A further enhancement could be removing the tarball at all because
once it's been installed by octave it's useless, I left it there to
have a mark but a dummy or just the registry would do the job.

Last thing last I was suprised I didn't find any actual 'pkg install'
in the portgroup nor in the portfiles I updated, I wonder if those
actually ever worked from an octave-user perspective.

Is there any octave-user here on the list?
I remember Olivier (alakazam) used to be one but he's not around anymore.



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