Adding a local directory for distfile fetching

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri Jul 19 19:59:34 PDT 2013

On Jul 19, 2013, at 10:50, Vincent Habchi wrote:

>> I have multiple MacPorts prefixes on my machines. I delete their var/macports/distfiles directories and replace them with a symlink to a central location, such as /Volumes/Data/macports/distfiles if I have a separate partition or $HOME/macports/distfiles if I don't.
>> On some of my machines, I run a web server and expose this directory. On other machines, I then edit mirror_sites.tcl and add the local server addresses to the macports_distfiles section, so that if one machine doesn't have a distfile, it tries to fetch it from other local machines before hitting the Internet.
> If I figure out your answer correctly, there is no way to directly add a file URL to the macports_distfiles section.

I haven't tried putting a file:/// URL there. You could try it and let us know what happens.

> The idea was that if the removable disk is connected and has the corresponding distfile, then we extract directly from it, else we fetch on the Internet.

Well, that's not what's going to happen. If curl and thus MacPorts supports file:/// URLs, then what would happen is that the file would be fetched from the removable disk and stored on the internal disk, then the file on the internal disk would be extracted.

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