[104033] trunk/dports/kde/kdepim4-runtime/Portfile

Nicolas Pavillon nicos at macports.org
Thu Mar 14 06:32:14 PDT 2013

> +if {${configure.compiler} != "clang" && ${os.platform} == "darwin"} {
> +    depends_build-append    port:clang-3.1
> +    configure.compiler      macports-clang-3.1
> +}

> So... if the user asks for clang-3.2, you give them clang-3.1 instead?
> You should probably use compiler.blacklist instead to blacklist the compilers that won't work.

That's one way to say it. Using compiler.blacklist could sound good, but frankly, it is not always very encouraging to use fully undocumented commands. Until you mentioned it, I did not even know the fallback additional command, with which I could find in the sources the fallback strategies, but by digging in the sources. 

Also, this is not directly linked with the changes in the port above but still about blacklist. After testing the blacklist command, one thing I could not really understand is that putting 
compiler.blacklist  apple-gcc-4.2
in the Portfile, and then running 
sudo port -ds install <port> configure.compiler=apple-gcc-4.2
still selects apple-gcc-4.2 as the compiler, even though it is indicated as not working. Is it intended behaviour ? I don't remember having seen anything about this in the mailing lists, but I could be wrong. 
It this is intended, I don't find ideal to let the user go crash in the errors even though it was indicated in the Portfile that it should not be done, and without any visible warning.

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