Rebuilding all ports for MacPorts 2.2

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Mon Mar 25 20:23:59 PDT 2013

Several changes have been made in MacPorts base trunk that affect how most* ports build:

* library overlinking fixed:
* library header padding maximized:
* default optimization level improved:

Before MacPorts 2.2 is released, we should decide how we want to make these improvements available to users.

It has been suggested that at minimum we should rebuild all binary packages on the buildbots after they are upgraded to MacPorts 2.2. This would also be good because most of the Lion packages were built with Xcode 4.3.3 and have not been rebuilt since the Lion buildbot was updated to Xcode 4.6.1. Previously, when we've launched new buildbots, they took over a week to build all ports. If we delete all binaries on the packages server and start rebuilding them, there will be more than a week during which MacPorts users will have no access to binaries.

We can then either do nothing further, and just allow users to receive these improvements as they rebuild or upgrade ports, or we can proactively force all users to reinstall or rebuild all ports. The library overlinking issue in particular has a ripple effect that's best cured by uninstalling and reinstalling all ports.

We could introduce the concept of an "era", a MacPorts-global integer that would complement the port-specific epoch, version and revision to tell MacPorts when to consider a port outdated. The era for MacPorts 2.1.x and earlier would be assumed to be 0, and for MacPorts 2.2 it can be increased to 1. Users won't upgrade to MacPorts 2.2 all at the same time, so such a mechanism would ensure that they receive the benefits of these improvements, no matter how long they wait before upgrading to 2.2. The era would be added to archive names if not zero. So e.g. "zlib-1.2.7_0.darwin_12.x86_64.tbz2" would become "zlib-1_1.2.7_0.darwin_12.x86_64.tbz2". This would allow the buildbots to get to work building new "era 1" binaries while leaving the old "era 0" binaries on the server for awhile for users who have not upgraded yet. We could finalize and tag MacPorts 2.2 and install it on the buildbots a week before we release it to users to get all the binaries rebuilt and ready on time.

* most of those that compile software, anyway

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