Boost Libc++ Issue/Question

Michael Dickens michaelld at
Fri Nov 1 20:50:50 PDT 2013

I have a ticket < > with an issue
between Boost and Apple's new libc++; or, something like that. A simple
program which shows this issue is:
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>

template <class T> struct to_hex{
  T value;
  operator T() const {return value;}
  friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& lhs, to_hex& rhs){
    lhs >> std::hex >> rhs.value;
    return lhs;

int main() {
  std::string ss("0x192");
  boost::uint16_t foo = boost::lexical_cast<to_hex<boost::uint16_t>
  return 0;

The above compiles (and executes) with:
clang++ -c -stdlib=libstdc++ -Wall -I/opt/local/include -o
test_boost_lexical_cast.o test_boost_lexical_cast.cpp
but not if "-stdlib=libc++".  The error is
error: use of overloaded operator '>>' is ambiguous (with operand types
'std::__1::basic_istream<wchar_t>' and 'to_hex<unsigned short>')".

While I can change the whole boost::lexical_cast to instead be:
  std::stringstream interpreter(ss);
  to_hex<boost::uint16_t> hh;
  interpreter >> hh;
  boost::uint16_t foo = hh;
that is sloppy; I like the neatness of the lexical_cast.  That said, I'm
open to other's suggestions of alternative implementations -- converting
a hex-style numeric string ("0x[0-9a-zA-Z]*") into a uint16.

There is a boost ticket < >
which is similar but not this; I have not found a reason or solution in
all of my searching, hence the query to this erudite list!  I value your
thoughts ... - MLD

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