Fwd: changing default perl

Mark Anderson emer at emer.net
Sun Nov 3 14:08:20 PST 2013

+ Macports-dev

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mark Anderson <emer at emer.net>
Date: Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: changing default perl
To: Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at macports.org>

I like the idea of a port select like python, which as worked well for me.
With python, in most cases, I can just keep the most current 2.x and most
current 3.x. I'm not sure if python just works better, and we need to
mirror that approach, or there is something else at play.

What really drives me crazy is that Macports continually insists on
installing perl 5.12 which is 3+ years old. If there were specific port
related reasons, I would be less upset, but in most cases, I can uninstall
or stop the perl5.12 install, changed the dependence in the portfile to
5.18 locally and everything works just fine.

I lean toward a port select idea, where we can limited the number of
installed Perls to ones we want or have a real need to keep. Perl should
play nice with other installed Perls, so I'm not against offering a few
versions back and maybe the latest current unstable odd numbered perl like
5.19. At this point we can probably ditch perl 5.8 and maybe 5.10 to make
things easier.

Mark E. Anderson <emer at emer.net>

On Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 4:42 PM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at macports.org>wrote:

> On Nov 3, 2013, at 15:38, Mark Anderson wrote:
> > Although we do need to come up with a better perl strategy. The current
> workings drive me crazy.
> I’m curious why that is. We use this strategy for PHP and Python as well
> and IMHO it works very well there. Do those drive you crazy also, or is it
> just Perl, and if so, what makes Perl different?
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