variants the second ...

Joshua Root jmr at
Thu Oct 3 11:42:50 PDT 2013

On 2013-10-4 04:22 , Peter Danecek wrote:
> Okay, I hope that's it then with variants.
> I have one variant (+gsi for GSI authentication) I do not want to make default. However, if this is activated, I would like to an other variant to come with it, ( i.e. +ca-bundle, a bundle with CA certificates), so that the user would get a working environment. To achieve this I could use the requires option. 
> Now I could imagine, however that user would like manage his CAs in an individual way (using a different set of certificates, allow only a small subset, etc.) so it should be possible to disable the ca-bundle. 
> I see no way to achieve this. Something like +gsi -ca-bundle would still yield +gsi +ca-bundle (due to the requires option). And updating default_variants would not work either, as this needs to be evaluated in and earlier stage, right?
> Any tips how to deal with this?

if {[variant_isset gsi]} {
	default_variants +ca-bundle

BTW, "ca-bundle" is not a valid variant name due to the '-'.

- Josh

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