[MacPorts] Migration modified

Rainer Müller raimue at macports.org
Thu Oct 31 07:55:18 PDT 2013

On 2013-10-31 15:12, Jeremy Lavergne wrote:
> The real correction would be addressing the litany of problems raised, or removing all of your revisions.

The intention is to give easier instructions. But the detailed
explanations are required to catch all corner cases and to give hints
what the intention of the migration is.

As a side note, we already have the platform the installed ports were
built on in the registry. I think it's safe to assume now that nobody is
anymore migrating from a installation with registry 1.0 which did not
have this information.

Using this platform should actually allow us to reduce the complexity of
the migration as all ports would be seen as outdated, but I have not
tried if this would work correctly.

I did a quick check to simulate this approach using these commands:

$ sudo sqlite3 /opt/local/var/macports/registry/registry.db
sqlite> .load ~/.../macports/trunk/base/src/cregistry/macports.sqlext
sqlite> UPDATE ports SET os_major='12' WHERE name = 'less';
sqlite> .exit
$ port outdated less
The following installed ports are outdated:
less                   458_0 < 458_0  (platform darwin 12 != darwin 13)

Shouldn't this already remove the need to manually uninstall and
reinstall all ports?


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