Welcome Our GSoC 2014 Students

Jeremy Lavergne jeremy at lavergne.gotdns.org
Mon Apr 21 14:12:59 PDT 2014

Greetings all.

Clemens and I would like to introduce the Google Summer of Code 2014 students for MacPorts: Gaurav Bansal, Kyle Sammons and Shashwat Pandey.

Please join us in welcoming them to the team!

Gaurav will be with Bradley Giesbrecht (pixilla) working on pip2port. The project idea aims at generating portfiles for python packages in pip that are non- existent in MacPorts. Also, the idea aims to bring uniformity to the present system by automating the process of creating ports to make package names in Macports match with the ones in pip which is presently not applicable for each and every port. This can be summarized as – when a user runs a command such as pip2port <package- name> it returns the port file for that particular python-package.

Kyle has combined a lot of clean up proposals and will work with Michael Dickens (michaelld). The main thought behind this project is to combine multiple ideas that were listed on the wiki (and all had a similar theme of 'cleaning-up') into one larger project with the end goal being improving the 'port clean' command, and adding a 'brew doctor'-esque command.

Shashwat will be working on interactive mode for the port command with Rainer Müller (raimue). This project deals with building an interactive command line interface for the MacPorts port command. This will enable users to solve conflicts arising in various functions of MacPorts by giving an approval/decision on questions asked by the interactive console. Thus, the user experience will be improved as conflicts will be resolved automatically.

You can find more about their projects and how we work with Google Summer of Code on our wiki:


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