Yosemite binaries

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Thu Dec 18 11:51:42 PST 2014

On Dec 18, 2014, at 7:23 AM, Arno Hautala wrote:

> Wouldn't testing and an announcement be a bit overdue? Aren't they
> already available to be downloaded and installed? At least, I'm pretty
> sure I've seen some packages being pulled down instead of being built.

The Yosemite builder was not brought online until weeks after the release of Yosemite. And then, it took many weeks before it completed building all ports. The process had to be restarted several times as the builder ran into various issues. Yes, some ports were available sooner than others, but we would understandably not have wanted to announce the availability of binaries until all ports that could be built were built. And now that that has apparently happened, I'm asking if we want to announce that to the users and/or announce lists and the news portion of our web site, as we have on two occasions done before, or if we want to dispense with the practice of announcing the availability of binaries for new platforms. Either is fine with me, I just wanted to bring up the topic so we can make a decision about how we want to handle this situation now and in the future.

> I mean, testing probably isn't a bad idea, but if there are specific
> issues that need to be tested, shouldn't they have already been
> handled before being served as packages?

Testing of MacPorts and ports is performed by all users on a perpetual and ongoing basis. Issues are filed in the issue tracker as they are found and are fixed as fixes become known. No special announcement or handling of these unchanged facts is needed.

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