[117038] trunk/dports/devel/swig/Portfile

Joshua Root jmr at macports.org
Sat Feb 15 16:07:08 PST 2014

On 2014-2-16 06:38 , Rainer Müller wrote:
> On 2014-02-14 15:43, Hiroshi Umemoto wrote:
>>> This isn't a change to swig but to the binding subports. What
>>> arch-specific files do you see them installing?
>> As you pointed out, the subports seem to install no arch-specific files at all. However, if you try to install one of the swig subports from source, a standard compilation process for the swig executable will begin. In my case, I failed to install the i386 version of swig-python on Lion OS.
> The 'supported_archs noarch' only refers to the files being installed.
> The implication when using this line is that the produced binary archive
> can be installed on any arch. The build process is still allowed need to
> execute commands to generate output files.
>>From a quick look at the files installed by swig-python, the noarch
> label was correct.

I think he means swig was failing to compile because it was compiling
with no archflags and thus defaulted to x86_64, but the dependencies
were i386. This can happen because the binding subports actually do a
full build of swig and then throw away everything but the files for the
desired binding, which are noarch.

So this is a kind of unusual situation in which the build fails because
part of it, which will be thrown away at the end, is not noarch.

I'm not sure how much of a build process is needed for the binding files
or if we could bypass building the other stuff (which would be a win for
build times too).

- Josh

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