Wouldn't it be better to make sure a MacPorts installation always stays within /opt/local?

MK-MacPorts at techno.ms MK-MacPorts at techno.ms
Sun Feb 16 13:23:08 PST 2014

There is still one big problem with all of this, which is that a ton of daemons and agents might be running as root or as another user for a given MacPorts installation.

In case I want to swap in another installation, say a debug installation, I would have to make sure that all these services would be restarted gracefully! That means I would have to search using launchctl for all those services, cancel them with the correct credentials and then restart all of them accordingly.

What a project. :-/

Wondering whether this is actually doable just using launchctl as root…

(In the past I hadn’t been careful enough regarding all this, which lead to quite a bit of trouble with dbus mostly!)

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