reinplace instruction and automatic line feeds

Nicolas Pavillon nicos at
Sun Jan 5 01:23:43 PST 2014


I noticed that the “reinplace” instruction is automatically adding a line feed to files, which is causing problems with some binary files which should have a predefined length. 

In particular, there is a set of instructions in the kde4-1.1 portgroup which scans all files to replace an include instruction:
post-extract {
    # Following the official word: Change #include ["<]Phonon...[">] to
    # ...phonon... in all files that contain that header.
    fs-traverse item ${worksrcpath} {
        if {[file isfile ${item}]} {
            reinplace -locale C "/#include/s at Phonon@phonon@" ${item}

However, this way also applies reinplace to binary files, and adds a “0A” line feed at the end of the file. One obvious way would be to filter through file extensions, but this may become quite cumbersome. Would anyone have a better suggestion, or, even better, a way to prevent reinplace to add this line feed?



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