qemu on Mavericks?

MK-MacPorts at techno.ms MK-MacPorts at techno.ms
Sun Jan 12 13:23:52 PST 2014

On 12 Jan 2014, at 21:50 , Chris Murphy <lists at colorremedies.com> wrote:
> When I say USB device, I meant the interface in qemu that presents USB within the guest. Clearly the linux kernel is finding a USB bus.

The command line to start up the VM is
qemu-system-x86_64 -m 2G -cdrom openSUSE-13.1-NET-x86_64.iso -vga std -boot order=dcn os13.1-basis.img
and there are two USB devices present after booting up.
Both devices I CAN NOT remove using “usb_del” !!
( Interesting also that qemu actually hands over the machine's eyetv stick to the VM!!! ) 
Back to square one.

>> Well, and the installation procedure is searching for USB devices FOREVER, unfortunately.
> I'd expect this. Delete the USB interface for the virtual machine you've created with qemu.
It’s to be expected?

>> So, I guess qemu isn’t a true alternative to virtualbox on MacOSX, due to the missing kvm implementation.
> I see it uses Xen or KVM, but the fact you're getting this far, well past the kernel and initramfs being loaded, seems like it is working.
Well, a lot seems to work, indeed. But unfortunately I can’t get beyond the USB device recognition step.

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