library not found for -lgfortran

Sean Farley sean at
Tue Jul 8 08:47:17 PDT 2014

Ryan Schmidt writes:

> On Jul 8, 2014, at 7:34 AM, Mark Brethen wrote:
>> On Jul 8, 2014, at 3:05 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>> On Jul 7, 2014, at 11:28 PM, Mark Brethen wrote:
>>>> I was told that until a patch is submitted, I can just add -L/opt/local/lib/gcc48 to the LDFLAGS environment variable. So I put this in the portfile:
>>>> configure.ldflags-append "-L${prefix}/lib/gcc48"
>>>> I'm thinking that "gcc48" should be replaced by a variable, but what do I use?
>>> MacPorts doesn't provide a variable suitable for that. If you have gcc variants, you could append to configure.ldflags in each variant, adjusting the path as needed for each gcc version.
>> I have:
>> compilers.choose        fc
>> compilers.setup         -dragonegg -g95 require_fortran
>> if {![fortran_variant_isset]} {
>>    default_variants-append +gcc48
>> }
>> configure.ldflags-append "-L${prefix}/lib/gcc48 -lgfortran"

This kind of information can only be reliably found out at configure
time. In other words, why isn't the FreeCAD project figuring this out
based on the fortran compiler with a configure test?

>> If the user has set a different version of gcc this won't work.
> Oh, you don't create the compiler variants manually; you have the compilers portgroup do it for you. I'm not sure how the author of that portgroup intended for this situation to be handled. Maybe it does provide a variable for the currently–selected variant. Sean?

This situation smells awfully like something else is going on here. This
might mean that the linker should be FC instead of CC or CXX but that's
just a thought.

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