OS and Xcode versions on buildbots

David Evans devans at macports.org
Thu Jun 12 13:01:31 PDT 2014

On 6/11/14 7:59 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> It would be more helpful if MacPorts would clearly output the OS X, Xcode and selected compiler version numbers early in the debug log.
Agreed.  In addition the version of MacPorts itself would be useful. 
These values would help understanding debug logs in general,
whether on the buildbots or submitted in tickets, without having to ask

For information, the current configurations for each of buildbots, taken
from recent base configuration files as suggest by Josh, are


checking MacPorts version… 2.3.0
checking Mac OS X version… 10.9.3
checking Xcode version… 5.1.1


checking MacPorts version… 2.2.99
checking Mac OS X version… 10.8.5
checking Xcode version... 5.1.1


checking MacPorts version… 2.2.99
checking Mac OS X version… 10.7.5
checking Xcode version… 4.6.3


checking MacPorts version… 2.2.99
checking Mac OS X version… 10.6.8
checking Xcode version... 3.2.6

Is it safe to assume that the port buildbots run in the same environment
as the base ones do?

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