Coin + SoQt

Mark Brethen mark.brethen at
Wed Jun 25 16:55:27 PDT 2014

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Mark Brethen <mark.brethen at>
> Subject: Coin + SoQt
> Date: June 25, 2014 at 6:48:19 PM CDT
> To: MacPorts Development <macports-dev at>
> SoQt is dependent on Trolltech's Qt library. On Mac OS X, you have two options:
> 1. Use the native Qt/Mac
> 2. Use X11 and Qt/X11
> You need to build both Coin and SoQt using this option. So I added the following to my SoQt Portfile:
> pre-configure {
>    if {[active_variants Coin aqua] && ![variant_isset aqua]} {
>        ui_error "
> ****
> **** In order to use X11 instead of Quartz/Aqua, you need to build both
> **** Coin and SoQt using this option.
> ****
> "
>        error "Coin +aqua installed."
>    }
> }
> platform darwin {
>    configure.args-append   --enable-darwin-x11
>    depends_lib-append      port:qt4-x11 \
>                            port:Coin
> 	variant aqua description {Install with the X11 Window system.} { 
> 	    require_active_variants path:lib/pkgconfig/Coin.pc:Coin aqua
>        configure.args-delete   --enable-darwin-x11
> 	    depends_lib-delete      port:qt4-x11
> 	    depends_lib-append      port:qt4-mac
>    }
> } 
> Is this correct?
> Mark


platform darwin {

    configure.args-append   --enable-darwin-x11
    depends_lib-append      port:qt4-x11 \
	variant aqua description {Install as a MacOS X framework without X11.} { 
        configure.args-delete   --enable-darwin-x11
	    depends_lib-delete      port:qt4-x11
	    depends_lib-append      port:qt4-mac


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