build-bot subport conflict issue

Michael Dickens michaelld at
Fri Mar 14 06:47:38 PDT 2014

Some of my ports have required (and, in place) conflicts between
subports -- for example, gnuradio (3.7 API) and gnuradio-legacy (3.6
API). When I update a port which uses gnuradio and also provides a
legacy subport (e.g., gr-osmosdr and gr-osmosdr-legacy), I get the
following from the buildbots:

Error: org.macports.activate for port gnuradio returned: Image error:
is being used by the active gnuradio-legacy port.  Please deactivate
this port first, or use "port -f activate gnuradio" to force the

So, it looks like gnuradio-legacy is installed to meet the requirements
of the legacy subport, but the buildbot has moved on to the non-legacy
port which requires just gnuradio, which conflicts with and cannot be
activated over the gnuradio-legacy, and hence the subport fails because
the buildbot is not handling the conflict correctly.

I've checked the ports which I maintain that use a release and legacy
subport, and all of them (TTBOMK) have their conflicts correctly set up.

So .. since all the other subports work, I just ignore this issue.  But,
it would be good to have it taken care of, whether on my end or on the
buildbots.  Any ideas?  Thanks! - MLD

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