non standard install location and binary packages

Joshua Root jmr at
Sun May 11 04:30:30 PDT 2014

On 2014-5-11 20:57 , Clemens Lang wrote:
> Hi,
>> On May 10, 2014, at 02:59, Eric Le Lay wrote:
>>> Also it ignores build dependencies: it had to install graphite2 as a
>>> dependency and did not install cmake before. So install failed
>>> because it could not find the cmake executable.
> I think that happens because you set `buildfromsource never' in macports.conf.
> See [1]. [global_option_isset ports_binary_only] evaluates as true and the list
> of dependency types to install always is "depends_lib depends_run".
> The code that checks whether archives can be used should override
>   `buildfromsource never'
> and warn if it is set. Does anybody remember where the code that checks that is?
> Is it src/package1.0/portarchivefetch.tcl, proc portarchivefetch::filter_sites?

It shouldn't just warn, it should error out if archivefetch does not
succeed in fetching an archive. And that works fine when using -b with a
default prefix, at least.

But we do appear to be assuming in a couple of places that if you are
using binary-only mode then you will have at least one usable entry in
archive_sites; archivefetch_main for example where all_archive_files
will be empty if there are no archive_sites.

So while this configuration should not be expected to work, we should
error out instead of continuing. r119938

- Josh

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