Could dbus possible be doing damage?

Lawrence Velázquez larryv at
Sun Nov 2 19:25:50 PST 2014

On Nov 2, 2014, at 9:29 PM, Marcus Calhoun-Lopez <mcalhoun at> wrote:

> Recently, a user reported having his root account deleted after installing the port dbus (Ticket #45737).
> I do not see how it is possible, but I though that we can not risk such a catastrophic result for anyone else.
> Can anyone image how such a situation could come about?

    unset -nocomplain startup_root
    if { [variant_isset no_root] } {
        set dbus_user     ${install.user}
        set dbus_group    ${}
    add_users         ${dbus_user} group=${dbus_group} realname=Message\ Bus

What happens here if install.user is root?


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