phonon for Qt5 in ticket #46552

Marko Käning mk-macports at
Tue Jul 7 14:59:12 PDT 2015

Hi again,

On 07 Jul 2015, at 23:22 , René J.V. Bertin <rjvbertin at> wrote:
>> Right now I am struggling with phonon [1], since it doesn’t want to install itself with
>> current qt5-mac on my system, but perhaps I better open a separate thread for that topic…
> That's simply because the mainstream Qt5 PortGroup lost a variable my version defines and that
> indicates where the cmake modules are to be installed.
> It's possible that there's no need to specify that location when all of Qt is dumped under a
> single prefix (try it!). It's also possible that it isn't required when the cmake module dir is
> installed as it is under Linux; I (used to?) have a comment in my PortGroup pointing out that
> I'd kept the install location for those files unchanged only to limit the number of changes.

I commented your post-patch phase out and now I was able to install phonon-qt5 as well as
kf5-knotifications (and more) which depend on phonon… :-)

Thanks for the pointer!!!


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