Bad files on buildports-lion-x86_64

David Evans devans at
Fri May 1 20:46:07 PDT 2015

Dear admins,

Currently a number of perl ports are failing to build on 
buildports-lion-x86_64 due to the following activation error regarding 
port p5.20-spiffy.

> Error: org.macports.activate for port p5.20-spiffy returned: Image 
> error: /opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.20/ already exists 
> and does not belong to a registered port.  Unable to activate port 
> p5.20-spiffy. Use 'port -f activate p5.20-spiffy' to force the activation.
As the error message says the offending files can be removed using the 
following commands (preferably during a period when the buildbot is idle):

sudo port -f activate p5.20-spiffy
sudo port deactivate p5.20-spiffy

The offending files will be moved aside with a unique suffix and can be 
deleted after the successful completion of these commands.

Thanks in advance for your help

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