Change in paths to packages on PyPI

Davide Liessi davide.liessi at
Sat Apr 23 04:04:09 PDT 2016

Hi all.

There has been a recent update in the way PyPI handles paths to
packages [1] that will require to manually update master_sites for
every update (fortunately old paths seem to be still valid).

There's already an issue at PyPA's tracker [2], but I don't know if
they'll be willing to revert the change.
(Maybe voting the issue on the tracker would help...)

Two possible approaches:
1. manually update master_sites,
2. determine master_sites by looking at the link to the package on its
webpage on PyPI (this would be best done in python PortGroup).
What would be preferable?

(Meanwhile I'll do 1. for an update to one of the ports I maintain.)

Best wishes.


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