Weird version comparison in livecheck

Mojca Miklavec mojca at
Mon Apr 25 09:29:06 PDT 2016


I'm fighting with the livecheck for root6.

The thing is ... it works perfectly as long as we use

    github.setup root-mirror root 6-06-02 v
    version [string map {- .} ${github.version}]

But occasionally the developers fix a problem that prevents us to
build the latest version on MacPorts, so we use:

    github.setup root-mirror root 7ed7e643b
    version 6.06.03

The problem is that in the second case the livecheck breaks. I tried
to work around the issue by specifying

    livecheck.url       ${github.homepage}/tags
    livecheck.regex     {archive/v(6[-.]\d[02468][-.]\d{2}).tar.gz}
    set xversion        [string map {. -} ${version}]
    livecheck.version   ${xversion}

but the weird thing is that I then end up with an old version:

DEBUG: Fetching
DEBUG: The regex is "archive/v(6[-.]\d[02468][-.]\d{2}).tar.gz"
DEBUG: The regex matched "archive/v6-04-16.tar.gz", extracted "6-04-16"
root6 seems to have been updated (port version: 6-06-02, new version: 6-04-16)

While if I use
    github.setup root-mirror root 6-06-02 v
    github.setup root-mirror root 6-06-03 v
I end up with the correct output:

DEBUG: Fetching
DEBUG: The regex is "archive/v(6[-.]\d[02468][-.]\d{2}).tar.gz"
DEBUG: The regex matched "archive/v6-04-16.tar.gz", extracted "6-04-16"
DEBUG: The regex matched "archive/v6-06-02.tar.gz", extracted "6-06-02"
DEBUG: The regex matched "archive/v6-04-14.tar.gz", extracted "6-04-14"
DEBUG: The regex matched "archive/v6-06-00.tar.gz", extracted "6-06-00"
root6 seems to be up to date


Error: livecheck failed for root6: extracted version '6-06-02' is
older than livecheck.version '6-06-03'

Can someone help me understand what exactly is going on and why
livecheck is giving me an older version?

Thank you,

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