declaring variants/subports in loops and loop variables

Gustaf Neumann neumann at
Thu Dec 8 13:26:40 CET 2016

Am 07.12.16 um 18:04 schrieb Joshua Root:
> This is almost exactly the same situation as:
> foreach foo {bar baz} {
>     proc p_$foo {} {
>         puts $foo
>     }
> }
> p_bar
> p_baz
you probably want the variable "foo" being substituted in the body of the
dynamically defined procs:

    % foreach foo {bar baz} {
        proc p_$foo {} [subst {
	   puts "$foo"

    % p_bar
    % p_baz

One might check the body of the dynamically defined proc via
"info body /procname/". This reveals that the quotes around
the argument of "puts" are necessary for cases, when e.g. the
value of the variable "foo" contains spaces.

    % info body p_bar

	puts "bar"

When the body contains content, which should not be substituted
(per default, "subst" performs variable, command and
backslash substitutions) use the proper flags for "subst"
or backslashes. e.g.:

    foreach foo {bar baz} {
        proc p_$foo {} [subst -nocommands {
	   puts "$foo"
	   return [string repeat "$foo " 10]


Hope, this helps

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