Commits that implicitly close PRs do not remember doing so

Joshua Root jmr at
Mon Dec 12 09:35:13 CET 2016

On 2016-12-12 20:21 , Rainer Müller wrote:
> On 2016-12-12 02:29, Lawrence Velázquez wrote:
>>> On Dec 6, 2016, at 10:33 AM, Rainer Müller <raimue at> wrote:
>>> (e) add "Closes: #XYZ" to the commit message
>> When commits close PRs implicitly (by merging the PR branch) instead of explicitly (by using "closes #XYZ" in the message), the PR is remembered internally by GitHub and displayed on the website but is not recorded in our Git repository. If we ever migrate off GitHub, we would presumably lose this information.
>> Should we consider this a problem?
> I don't think there is any value in preserving all patch iterations of a
> pull request. I would compare this to an initial patch submission in the
> issue tracker, which are often merged in a different form later. Nobody
> will look at the initial patch again or even remember.

I think the information Larry is referring to is not the actual PR 
contents, but rather the links from commits to PRs. I don't think this 
is a big problem, but it's one more reason to open a trac ticket for any 
change that involves significant discussion that should be archived.

- Josh

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