about keeping a checksums table in a separate file

Daniel J. Luke dluke at geeklair.net
Mon Feb 1 13:45:14 PST 2016

On Feb 1, 2016, at 4:36 PM, René J.V. Bertin <rjvbertin at gmail.com> wrote:
> How likely is it that two files would have the same oldchecksum

not very

> but a different newchecksum? Probably very small for sha256, but the shorter the hash, the larger that likelihood. That still won't be an issue for most ports that only have checksums for a single file. Still, you'd probably want to know all old checksums of all (old) distfiles, and the corresponding new ones to check for aliasing before you start replacing.


I'd be willing to wager we've never had a hash collision, though.

> A better non-trivial example than my KF5 Frameworks Portfile would be mcalhoun's port:qt5 Portfile. I'm not sure you need to connect the checksums with the distfile/subport in the Portfile (as opposed to in memory only), but that would probably be a challenge for this kind of coding.

I would advocate a "worse is better" approach here.

A very simple substitution intended for a maintainer to run, something like `port checksum --stage-update foo` that can then be verified and committed.

Maybe this doesn't work (or doesn't work well) for complicated portfiles - but if it's a 90% solution that covers mosts ports, it's still a win (and if it enables people to write less complicated portfiles, since they were just trying to make it easier to update their ports, that's a win too).

In fact, I would propose that the existence of complicated portfiles is evidence of features in base that are missing that maintainers desire.

Daniel J. Luke

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