Jar File

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Mon Mar 21 02:52:07 PDT 2016

On Mar 17, 2016, at 4:45 PM, Abdulrahman Alshammari wrote:

> I am almost done from biuilding the portfile and I just need someone to answer my question. my software is simply as jar file.
> Is it required to convert the jar files into DMG extension file ?

No. If the software is distributed as a .jar file, or zip file, or tar.bz2 file, or any other kind of file, that is the file the port would download from the upstream server, and then extract or manipulate in whatever way necessary. In the case of a .jar file, presumably no manipulation would be necessary, so you would clear "extract.only" and copy the file from distpath to where it needs to go inside destroot.

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