Howto inspect Portfile variables to debug install

Joshua Root jmr at
Sun May 29 12:38:28 PDT 2016

On 2016-5-30 04:19 , Chris Gorman wrote:
> Hello,
> I was wondering how to inspect variables in a port file.  Specifically, I want to apply a patch conditionally if perl is version 5.10.0.
> I'm trying something like
> if { ${configure.perl} eq "/usr/bin/perl" && [vercmp ${perl5.version} 5.10.0] < 0 } {
>     patchfiles-append
> }
> in the Portfile. This doesn't work and I would like to inspect configure.perl and perl5.version to see what they are.  Is there any way to do this?  I'm looking for a solution like using printf in c, or echo in a shell script.

The Tcl command you're looking for is 'puts', e.g.

puts "configure.perl = ${configure.perl}"

- Josh

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