Apache 24 woes

Daniel J. Luke dluke at geeklair.net
Mon Nov 21 17:46:45 CET 2016

On Nov 19, 2016, at 5:34 AM, Vincent Habchi <vince at macports.org> wrote:
> 1. Why is apache24 still called “apache24-devel”?

because the maintainer(s) of the apache ports decided to combine version upgrade to 2.4 with apache layout changes (and because of fears of apache modules that work with 2.2.x not working with 2.4.x).

It's ultimately up to the maintainers, but I agree that we should update the 'apache' port to ship 2.4.x

> 2. APR-UTIL should:
> 	a. Be dependant on whatever db version is installed and not db46. I wrote this:
>> 	# DB dependency 
> 	set db_list [lsort [glob ${prefix}/lib/db??]]
> 	set db_most_recent [lindex [split [lindex $db_list 0] /] end]
> 	if {$db_most_recent == ""} { set db_most_recent "db60" }
> 	depends_lib port:apr port:expat port:libiconv port:$db_most_recent port:sqlite3
no, we strive for reproducible builds - having the port install something different depending on what's already on the person's system is not something we want to do.

Changing the bdb dependency to something more recent is possible (IIRC it got stuck on db46 because when oracle purchased, the db4 license changed - but I think Oracle made another change that made it OK, I just haven't gone to look / no one has offered to investigate or submitted a patch).

> 	b. Have a mariadb10 variant

As I don't use any of the mysql-descendent DBs, I rely on people who do to submit patches for them :)

Daniel J. Luke

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