port:libressl vs port:openssl, path-style variants and prebuilt binaries

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Tue Nov 22 23:10:32 CET 2016

On Tuesday November 22 2016 15:14:15 Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> The same does not apply to -devel ports. -devel ports are just newer (usually development) versions of stable ports.

I beg to differ, it *can* apply to -devel ports that provide a newer version of the release port. I didn't invent the Qt examples, for instance.

You're right that it should not normally lead to problems, presuming the port maintainer tests the -devel ports and doesn't put them at a version that's so new that installing it requires rebuilding all dependents.
I expect though that users with a non-default prefix (or who build everything from source) will have issues somewhat more frequently, esp. going back from the -devel to the release port.

>  any case it would only affect the minority of users who elected to use the -devel version.

That's true of course.


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