port only builds with build_arch=i386 on command line -- any way to specify that in the portfile?
Ken Cunningham
ken.cunningham.webuse at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 21:52:33 PDT 2016
> Sounds like a jit variant which sets supported_archs may be in order then. That way users on x86_64 systems can decide whether they want to lose the JIT or rebuild all the dependencies with +universal.
> - Josh
Hey! I feel a little better about my lack of knowledge now -- I think I might be (slowly) learning!
Because that is exactly what I did.
So here's what I have so far, to see how this is going for a newbie, moving from hacking makefiles, to hacking portfiles, to actually writing portfiles.
I think I could have picked an easier one than BasiliskII for my first go 'round, but it works, and I'm into the fine tuning now...
compiler options, variants, active variant requirements ...
now I need to figure out how to customize the "make" to "make XYZ".
I'm sure there are many ways this is not right.... there is a lot of information in the macports website for portfile writing to absorb..
# $Id: Portfile 135117 2015-04-15 19:51:30Z ryandesign at macports.org $
PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup github 1.0
PortGroup active_variants 1.1
github.setup cebix macemu 1bf6f4d64023851e5de17c7d3090db99c7671c04
version 20160829
name basiliskII
categories emulators
license GPL-2+
platforms darwin
maintainers gmail.com:ken-cunningham-webuse openmaintainer
description Opensource 68k Mac emulator.
long_description \
Longstanding 68K Macintosh emulator. You will need an appropriate Macintosh ROM image and a copy of Mac OS (0.x thru 7.5 for Classic emulation, 7.x or 8.0/8.1 for Mac II emulation). The default "jit" variant enables the Just-In-Time compiler, which is 32bit only. This may be faster on your system. It will require the dependent libraries to be built universal. Slirp networking is also 32bit-only at present. You can try a build without JIT or slirp, and this will generate a native build for your system (usually 64bit).
homepage http://basilisk.cebix.net/
checksums md5 f289deebce6e528bc913fad0375752df
# ----------- DEPENDENCIES -------------
depends_lib port:libsdl \
#consider how to find out if any other ports already installed are required by this port
# ----------- AUTOCONF -------------
worksrcdir ${distname}/BasiliskII/src/Unix
use_autoconf yes
#this seems to be a funny command -- is there a more elegant way? this is a custom autogen.sh script
autoconf.cmd NO_CONFIGURE=1 `port work BasiliskII`/${worksrcdir}/autogen.sh
# ----------- COMPILER CHOICE -------------
# a bit complicated
# I confirmed build with clang-3.7 (x86_64 and i386) and gcc-4.0 (can build i386 only)
# should therefore build with macports apple-gcc40
# confirmed not to build correctly with gcc-42
# clang < 500 means clang 3.3 or earlier
#compiler.whitelist macports-clang-3.7 gcc-4.0 apple-gcc40
#compiler.whitelist {clang > 500} gcc-4.0 apple-gcc40
compiler.blacklist-append {clang < 500} macports-clang-2.9 macports-clang-3.0 macports-clang-3.1 macports-clang-3.2 macports-clang-3.3
compiler.blacklist-append {*gcc-4.[1-9]} {*gcc-3*}
# ----------- CONFIGURATION -------------
# no idea if this is the best optimization we can do -- direct from the gcc makefile
configure.cppflags -g -O2
configure.cxxflags -g -O2
configure.args --without-esd --enable-sdl-video --enable-sdl-audio --disable-vosf
# ----------- VARIANTS -------------
# the default build builds the executable and installs it in ${prefix}/bin
# have to learn how to build the BasiliskII_App and move it into directory instead
# ----------- VARIANTS -------------
#building universal is not sensible for this port
universal_variant no
# jit variant enables the JIT compiler and also slirp networking, but it could be slower than x86_64
# so allow people to turn it off if they want to
default_variants +jit
variant jit description {JIT compiler is supported on arch i386 only, and also allows slirp which is i386-only} {
supported_archs i386
configure.args-append --enable-jit-compiler
# make sure the dependent libraries are installed +universal, or this won't link
# could be just require i386 if machine arch is i386, and universal on x86_64 -- but that's just too complicated
# https://trac.macports.org/wiki/PortfileRecipes#gcc
require_active_variants libsdl universal
require_active_variants gtk1 universal
variant slirp description {Slirp networking is supported on arch i386 only. } {
supported_archs i386
require_active_variants libsdl universal
require_active_variants gtk1 universal
#if have libc++ set and using clang and on Mountain Lion or less, adjust to -stdlib=libc++
if { ${configure.cxx_stdlib} eq "libc++" && [string match "*clang*" [option configure.cxx]] && ${os.major} <= 12 } {
configure.ldflags-append -stdlib=libc++
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