Possible patch for sox build failure on 10.7

Joshua Root jmr at macports.org
Wed Aug 9 20:30:12 UTC 2017

On 2017-8-9 23:15 , Jan Stary wrote:
> On Aug 09 15:06:35, ken.cunningham.webuse at gmail.com wrote:
>> I can work with you on this. I'll build a failing version and email you the entire log off-list tonight.
> Thank you Ken.
> I looked on the detailed log of vanilla SoX 14.4.2 itself,
> but cannot find the offending grep. Is it run by SoX's build system,
> or is the nm/grep combo run by the building robot?

The addition of --disable-silent-rules in the patch was to hopefully 
show more of the failing command (and it's a good idea anyway since 
silent rules make logs much less useful). This is not something that 
would be specific to the buildbot. I'm not sure, but given what is 
happening when the error occurs, the offending grep command may be 
invoked by (g)libtool.

- Josh

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