Conflicting binary in dependency

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Thu Jan 12 23:52:34 CET 2017

On Jan 12, 2017, at 01:58, Aaron Madlon-Kay wrote:
> Hi all. I was hoping to get some advice:
> I want to make the sqlite3-tools package available via MacPorts (binaries available at; this package contains three binaries: sqlite3 CLI shell, sqldiff, and sqlite3_analyzer.
> Problem:
> sqlite3_analyzer requires TCL; it turns out the `tcl` port actually includes sqlite3_analyzer built from its own bundled copy of sqlite3, but it is an older version. This older version is installed to ${prefix}/bin, so it conflicts with any newer version we might try to install.
> Questions:
> - Is it common knowledge that sqlite3_analyzer is available as part of TCL? Its inclusion there seems coincidental, perhaps just due to the fact that it's implemented in TCL?
>   - If no, can we remove it from the `tcl` port?

I was not aware it was in the tcl port. Sounds like a good idea to remove it from there.

> - If sqlite3_analyzer can't be removed from the `tcl` port, should the newer binary have a different name or be put in a different path? Is there a standard scheme for disambiguation like this?
> - If no to all above, sqlite3_analyzer can be built against the system-provided TCL framework, and the port can be marked as incompatible with the `tcl` port. Is that acceptable? (I would think not)
> Aside:
> I've got this working in two forms: a +tools variant on the `sqlite3` port, and a new port called `sqlite3-tools`; I'm feeling like a the +tools variant might be the better way to go, but feedback on this would be appreciated as well.

Is there a particular reason why it should be a variant, as opposed to just always building and installing the tools in the sqlite3 port?

Whatever you choose, anytime you move a file from being provided by one port to being provided by another port, don't forget to use the deactivate hack in the new port:

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