Installing WINE

Joshua Root jmr at
Sun Jun 11 17:14:57 UTC 2017

On 2017-6-12 02:52 , Ken Cunningham wrote:
> Did this Very Big Problem with Wine64 on MacOS actually get fixed?
> K
>> I don’t know the exact details myself (Ken is the expert), but the answer is that it does not work, and probably never will. OSX has a ABI incompatibility with Win64 - OSX overwrites a CPU register that Win64 applications expect to remain untouched. Apple can’t change the ABI because there are already 64 bit OSX apps that expect things to work that way. A potential workaround may be to run Wine inside a CPU emulator like qemu, but that is anything but easy.
> K

Apparently so. <>

"64-bit applications are supported on macOS."

- Josh

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