Ticket #56139 update to pymol 2.1.0 with PyQt interface support

Jack Howarth howarth.at.macports at gmail.com
Sat Apr 14 10:35:18 UTC 2018

Can someone commit my final update to pymol 2.1.0 with PyQt interface
support? The packaging switches pymol to use the new PyQt based interface
while retaining the tcl/k/pmw dependencies for the legacy plugins.
Regarding the legacy plugins, the apbstools one only properly functions on
the default python27 variant. This is an issue that exists in the current
and prior pymol releases as well and is caused by a combination of pdb2pqr
python3 incompatibilities and pmw incompatibilities with python 3.5 and
later. Upstream pdb2pqr still hasn't pushed their python3 fixes into
apbs-pdb2pqr yet and pmw development seems to be completely stagnant.

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