request for port create command, to build a portfile from a URL

Ken Cunningham ken.cunningham.webuse at
Tue Mar 6 14:58:18 UTC 2018

It would be nice to have a command like

port create URL

that would download the URL, calc the checksums for it, and build a basic Portfile for it.

It could ask for a category to use for the Port.

In a more advance version, it could extract the URL and do some quick analysis on it.

if there's a CMakeLists.txt file in the root, do the right things to make it a cmake based port.

If there's a configure file in the root, do the right things for that.

Might make things faster and easier for people to get started and up and running.

Certainly would make it easier for people who want to use MacPorts infrastructure to build their own files, as many don't know how to properly set up the include and lib directories, etc.



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